Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy sessions last for 50-ish minutes and consist of one on one time between you and the therapist. With collaboration you will decide what you want to spend your time on. The therapist is there to facilitate deeper thinking and help you build awareness of how your developmental experiences interact with how you see yourself and the world around you. Then you and the therapist will transition into challenging unhealthy patterns, recovering from trauma, and creating new ways of engaging with yourself, others, and the world in the present. Generally you and the therapist will meet weekly or bi-weekly.
$150/50 minute session.
Couple and Family Therapy
Specializing in couple and family therapy for adults age 18+ in a family, including adult siblings, adult children and their parents, multigenerational adults and extended family members, close friendships, couples and polyamorous relationships.
The goal is to help couples and families better understand themselves and each other within the context of the relationship. Sessions may offer assistance in deepening relationships, handling conflict in a healthy way, discussing vulnerable subjects and emotions, and getting out of harmful negative cycles.
This type of therapy from my theoretical framework is to treat the family unit as a whole system, with the assumption that each member is contributing to the negative cycle and responsible for creating change. I will not identify a singular client as the patient or provide a diagnosis, therefore sessions are not eligible for coverage via insurance. If you prefer to have one person as the identified patient with a diagnosis and sessions focus solely on supporting that person’s diagnosis, relationship/family therapy with me would not be a good fit as it does not fit within the model in which I work.
Generally couple/family and therapist will meet weekly or bi-weekly. At times you may be asked to join the therapist in individual sessions. A therapists role is not necessarily to ensure that a relationship stays intact; it is to create a contained supportive space for all members of the relationship/family to learn and grow either into a healthier relationship together or into a healthier individual separate from the relationship. The outcome of whether you stay in the relationship or not is solely up to you and therapist will not make a recommendation for one or the other.
$175/50 minute session.
Licensure Supervision
LMSW professionals ready to pursue a clinical license are required to participate in regular clinical supervision for a specified time period and document the supervision details for submission to the state board for licensure approval. Each supervision session lasts for 60 minutes with the expectation that supervision will occur weekly. You will be expected to be responsible for bringing clinical details and questions, ethical questions, etc for discussion. The supervisor will provide feedback, recommendations, etc and it is up to you to bring that information back into your work for integration.
If you work for an employer that covers the cost of some or all of supervision, we will work together to coordinate the details of how that will work. The supervisor is required to evaluate the supervisee’s learning, growth, performance, and adherence to clinical and ethical standards. The supervisor will support the supervisee in this growth and discuss any concerns in real time. If concerns become ongoing and do not improve, the supervisor is not required to “pass” the supervisee or to provide a recommendation that the supervisee be allowed to be fully licensed. The supervisor is as much a protector of the field of social work and the quality of ethical care clients receive as they are a supporter of the supervisee and must hold both roles in equal importance.
$100/60 minute weekly session.
Dungeons and Dragons Support Group
This support group is designed to provide a contained and monitored space for individuals to work on connection with others, relationship building, and general stress/anxiety management through imaginative play. Dungeons and Dragons is a table top role playing game where small groups of individuals work together through an adventure designed by a Dungeon Master who facilitates the adventure, which may include role-playing through characters, collaborative decision making, puzzle solving, and combat with villains. The Dungeon Master (DM) is responsible for moving the group forward through the story, and will assist and guide individuals through stuck moments as needed for support, but the story is ultimately one that is imagined, inspired, and created by the participating members of the group.
The group will meet weekly for 2 hours and for a minimum of 12 weeks. At the 12 week mark of the group, a discussion will be had about who would like to continue meeting indefinitely and who would like to end their time in the group then. This is not a therapy group; diagnosis of mental disorders will not be given and are not required and it is not a treatment for any specific disorder. The goal of the group specifically is relationship building and connection with others.
$45 per hour. Sessions are weekly for 2 hours.
Fee is collected monthly the week before the start of each month.